Isa Brown Chicken Detail Information And Characteristics

Isa brown chicken is raised mainly for egg purpose. they lay around more than 300 egg in a year. weight of a egg is 60g each. the hen matures quite early.

Isa brown chicken is originated in France. Developed less than 50 years ago in 1978. It is the cross results of the various breed. it is raised mainly for egg purpose. it is the prolific egg layer which lays more than 300 eggs per year. Isa brown chickens largely used in commercial layer farming.

It is not considered breed by APA(American Poultry Association) and PCGB(Poultry club of Great Britain)

Their behavior is very calm, friendly or Docile. It can be handled easily. It excellent chicken for the backyard and free range farming.

It is available in single brown or mixed color. The chicken is very light in weight. Which eats less and produce high-quality brown color eggs in large number for us.

Facts and Productivity of ISA Brown chicken

Name of Breed ISA Brown
Other Name of Breed Hubbard brown, Sex links
Origin France
Development year 1978
Variety Single comb
Main color Brown
Purpose Egg purpose
Disposition Calm, friendly and docile
size Light
Cock weight 2.72 kg (6 lbs).
Cockrel weight 1.80 kg (4 lbs)
Hen weight 2 kg (4.5 lbs).
Pullet weight 1.5 kg (3.5 lbs)
Egg capacity per year 300 eggs
Age at first Egg (days) 120-130
Egg weight 60 g
Egg size Extra Large
Egg color Brown
Skin color Yellow
Shank color Yellow
Survivability %  upto 6 weeks 98

Characteristics of ISA brown chicken

Many people do a comparison of isa brown vs Rhode island red. As a result, the isa brown chicken gives tough competition to Rhode island red chicken. They lay egg similar to Rohde island red. the feed conversion ration of ISA brown is normal. the FCR of the breed is 2:1. It Means they consume 2 kg feed and produce 1 kg of meat for us.

Their foraging ability is quite good.  they are the good mother who always go broody and good caretakers of their chicks.  Isa brown matures early to start giving eggs in a very short age.

Both cock and hen are light in weight which produces very fine quality meat.

Appearance of ISA brown

They only recognized in light brown color plumage. Looks similar to Rohde island Red. They have a medium size, single comb type of Dark red color. Which upright in a position generally has five to six tip.

The head is medium and eyes are reddish/orange in color.

The plumage is light brown in color.  It has Four toes. Shanks are free from feathers. Both shanks and toes are yellow in color.

Breast is medium in size and deep. Wattles are equal size and smooth in texture or dark red in color. Ear lobes are half of the wattles or dark red in color.

Tail is well spread makes an angle of 45º.

When do ISA Brown chickens start laying eggs

Isa brown is prolific egg layers. Mostly used in commercial layer farming purpose to produce large size brown color eggs.

Generally, they start laying egg at the age of their 18th weeks which is quite early and continuously lays up to their 90th weeks they lay more than 300 eggs in a year by a single hen. The weight of the single egg is 60 g.

Meat production

It is light in weight the meat production is quite less. But the conversion of feed to meet is good. color of the skin is yellow. One cockerel gives 1 to 1.5 kg meat approximately.

The average standard weight of cock is 2.72 kg (6 lbs).

The average standard weight of Hen is 2 kg (4.5 lbs).

ISA Brown Management guide

  • Isa brown is mainly used for egg purpose means extra care and management is required in case of ISA. Generally for layer house hens raised up to their 90th  weeks after that sold for meat purpose.
  • In layer house generally raised chicken in a battery cage. The battery cage should be clean and disinfected 24×7.
  • Birds are susceptible to a number of diseases. So follow the proper vaccination schedule from day 1
  • In layer farming generally, the vaccine of Marek’s disease, new castle disease, and infectious bursal disease IBD Is essential for better immunity.
  • Provide heat at the time of brooding or in cold weather.
  • External and internal deworming is necessary for better growth and high egg production.

Why ISA brown?

  • It gives rapid returns to their flock owner from the continuous egg.
  • Perform better in free range or in large scale commercial purpose.
  • Always show broodiness
  • Behavior is very calm docile and friendly, can be handled easily.

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