English Speaking Course PDF download– Hello Friends! In this article we provided you Rapidex English speaking course book pdf. This book is helpful for various examinations and It helped in English speaking.
This book is so popular among all the students and young people for learning the English and to speak English fluently. That’s why the book is also known as the English spoken Guru so we share you the most popular book of English spoken course which is also known as English speaking course book
In today’s time when English is accepted as a global language it is very important for all of the people to 60 Days Rapidex English Grammar and Translation Course. Student the people able to survive in any part of the world so this book is written in many language you may download in which you are most familiar with and start learning English. This book also covers the basic English grammar concept so that you able to speak English grammatically correct and this book also helps you to pronounce the English sentence correctly.
- 1 Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF
- 2 About English Speaking Course Book PDF
- 3 Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF Book Direct Download Link Free
- 4 Rapidex English speaking Course Book Contents
- 5 Rapidex English Speaking Course Video
- 6 Rapidex English Speaking Course For Spoken English Practice
- 7 Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF Google Drive Download Link
Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF
All the English spoken candidates who wants to learn English and to speak in English and who wants to improve there English speaking skill can preferred this book to learn the concept of English. This is a best book for Hindi medium students and for all of those students who are not good in English spoken. As we all know the book is available in Hindi and English both language or English speaking course in Hindi so the students those who are not familiar with the Hindi language may download the book in other language like to Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil and many other national and international local language.
With this article our main focus is to provide you the Rapidex English speaking course book pdf in Hindi Download, so that the interested candidates can able to download the free PDF of English speaking course book. So we have provided you the Google Drive link of Rapidex English speaking course book pdf from where you can either download the book or read it online.
About English Speaking Course Book PDF
Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF | Google Drive Download Link Google Drive Preview Link |
Book Name | Rapidex English Speaking Course |
Author Name | Dr. R. K. Gupta |
Size | 63 MB |
Format | |
Language | Hindi and English (Bilingual) |
Publication | Pustak Mahal |
Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF Book Direct Download Link Free
Rapidex English speaking Course Book Contents
PART FIRST पहला भाग (दस दिवसीय कोर्स)
- Salutation Words in English अंग्रेजी में अभिवादन के प्रचलित वाक्य
- Good Manner Words in English अंग्रेजी में शिष्टाचार के कुछ वाक्य
- Exclamation Words in English अंग्रेजी में भावबोधक शब्द
- Frequently used phrases अधिकांश प्रयोग किए जाने वाले वाक्यांश
- Alphabet वर्णमाला
- Pronunciation of Alphabet वर्गों का उच्चारण, वर्ण उच्चारण, संयुक्त-अक्षर,संयुक्त स्वर ,Diphthong रोमन लिपि में हिन्दी
- Mute Letters and Capitals मूक और बड़े अक्षर
- Numerals संख्याएं
- Days and Week दिन और सप्ताह
- Year and Months वर्ष और महीने
PART SECOND दूसरा भाग (पच्चीस दिवसीय कोर्स)
- Noun संज्ञा
- Number वचन
- Genetive सम्बन्धकारक
- Pronouns सर्वनाम
- Contraction संकुचन
- The Sentence वाक्य
- Question Form प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य
- Imperative Sentences आदेशात्मक वाक्य
- Miscellaneous Model Sentences विविध नमूने के वाक्य
- Articles
- Some Auxiliary Verbs कुछ सहायक क्रियाएं
- Verbs and their three Forms क्रियाएं और उनके तीनों रूप
- Present Tense वर्तमान काल
- Past Tense भूतकाल
- Future Tense भविष्यतकाल
- Active and Passive Voice कर्तृ और कर्म वाच्य
- Some Adverbs and Conjunctions कुछ क्रिया विशेषण और समुच्चयबोधक
- Preposition पूर्व सर्ग
- Comparative and Superlative Words तुलना और सर्वश्रेष्ठतासूचक शब्द
- Transformation of Sentences वाक्य-रूपांतरण
- Spelling वर्तनी/हिज्जे
- What time is it? क्या बजा है?
- Idioms मुहावरे
- Direct and Indirect Speech प्रत्यक्ष और परोक्ष कथन
- Punctuation विराम चिह्न
PART THIRD तीसरा भाग (आठ दिवसीय कोर्स)
Varied Sentences fafaut alone
- My Motherland मेरी, मातृभूमि
- Politeness and Etiquette विनम्रता और शिष्टाचार
- Body,Health and Beauty शरीर, स्वास्थ्य और सौंदर्य
- Greeting and Gratitude अभिवादन और आभार
० Home and Family घर और परिवार
- Books and Reading पुस्तकें और अध्ययन
- Trees, Plants and Vegetation पेड़, पौधे और वनस्पतियां
- Cautions and Signals सावधानियां और संकेत
- Work and Rest परिश्रम और विश्राम
- We and Weather हम और मौसम
- Leisure and Pleasure फुर्सत और मनोरंजन
- Pleasures and Pain खुशियां और गम
- Childhood, Youth and Old Age बचपन, यौवन और बुढ़ापा
- Bazar and Shopping बाजार और खरीदारी
- Dealings and Occupation लेन-देन और धन्धा
- Dress and Food वेशभूषा और खान-पान
- Feelings and Emotions भाव और मनोविकार
Anger क्रोध,
Affection स्नेह,
Quarrel झगड़ा
(iv) Foregiveness क्षमा
Advice and Opinion सलाह और सम्मति
- Birds and Beasts पक्षी और पशु
- Love and Marriage प्रेम और विवाह…
- Office and Bank दफ्तर और बैंक
PART FOURTH चौथा भाग (दस दिवसीय कोर्स)
- Conversation वार्तालाप
- Father and daughter पिता और पुत्री
- Mother and son मां और पुत्र
- Talking to a girl एक लड़की से बातचीत
- Talking to a boy एक लड़के से बातचीत
- Conversation between two students दो विद्यार्थियों की बातचीत
- Getting ready for office ऑफिस जाने की तैयारी
- Arrival of a guest मेहमान के आगमन पर
- Talking to a servant नौकर से बातचीत
- A birthday party जन्म दिन पर
- Meeting on the way राह पर चलते हुए
- At the bus stop बस स्टाप पर
- Talking to the class teacher कक्षा अध्यापक से बातचीत
- At bookseller’s shop किताबों की दुकान पर
- Booking a trunk call टूक काल बुक करना
- At the general store जनरल स्टोर पर
- At the departmental store डिपार्टमेंटल स्टोर पर
- On the Railway Platform रेलवे प्लेटफार्म पर
- An accident एक दुर्घटना
- At the Airport हवाई अड्डे पर
- At the Bank opening account बैंक में खाता खोलना
- Visiting a patient बीमार को देखना
- Asking the address पता पूछना
- Facing an interview साक्षात्कार के समय
- Financial matters अर्थ सम्बन्धी बातचीत
- Day to day difficulties दैनिक कठिनाइयां
- PART FIFTH पाँचवां भाग (पाँच दिवसीय कोर्स)
- Word formation and Vocabulary शब्द रचना-और शब्द भण्डार
- Affixation (अफिक्सेशन)
- Suffix प्रत्यय
- Reduplicatives, Conversion रूपांतरण, Blends सम्मिश्रण
- Compounds (कम्पाउण्ड्स ) संयुक्त शब्द
- Words often confused उलझाने वाले शब्द
- Nationality words राष्ट्रीयता सूचक शब्द
- Antonyms विलोम शब्द
- Some foreign words and phrases in English अंग्रेजी में कुछ विदेशी शब्द और वाक्यांश
- One word substitution अनेक के स्थान पर एक शब्द
- Animals cries and other sounds जानवरों की बोलियां और अन्य आवाजें
० Collective phrases समूहवाचक वाक्यांश
० Some set comparisons कुछ निश्चित उपमाए
PART SIXTH छठा भाग (दो दिवसीय कोर्स)
- Translation
PART SEVENTH सातवां भाग (परिशिष्ट-1)
- Dictionary
PART EIGHTH आठवां भाग (परिशिष्ट-2)
- स्मृतिवर्धक टिप्स
PART NINTH नौवां भाग (परिशिष्ट-3)
- अंग्रेजी सीखने की प्रभावी तकनीक
Read More about Rapidex English Spoken Course
Rapidex English Speaking Course Video
Rapidex English Speaking Course Book which is a leading book to speak, write and understand English If you are looking to speak Pure Pure English then definitely you must buy Rapidex Spoken English book This book is based on Conversation through which student conversation You can learn English on your own by talking to books, that’s why we are providing Rapidex English Speaking Course which is written by Dr. RK Gupta to all of you, by which you will be able to learn English as a global language and in the country and abroad. also you will be able to find yourself success through your English language.
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