Rhode Island Red Chicken Complete Information

Rhode island red is the dual purpose breed used for both eggs and meat. it lays eggs upto 290 per year by single hen. the breed is developed in1904 America.

Rhode island red the name comes from the state of US Rhode island and the main color of breed is red. Rhode island red is an American class dual purpose breed used for both egg and meat. firstly It is mainly raised for egg because it is very good at laying eggs, secondly, it used for meat because of it also good in weight gain.

it is the state bird of Rhode island.

The Rhode island single comb accepted by APA (American poultry association) in 1904. Rose comb accepted by APA in 1905. This breed exists under large fowl categories.

It is mainly originated in Rhode island and Massachusetts. It is the crossbreed of Asiatic class Malay and Mediterranean class brown leghorn that’s why its come in both single and rose comb. generally, it comes in a dark red color and its feather is hard.

Rhode island red is medium-heavy fowl mainly reared for egg production it lays 250 to 270 eggs per year by a single hen. Which is quite good. it performs very well in backyard poultry farming.

As per the American Poultry Association, Rhode island rate breed gives maximum profit to the flock owner. the feed intake of this breed is comparatively less while it gives more amount of egg and meat for us.


Facts and Productivity of Rhode island red chicken

Name of Breed Rhode island red
Other Name RIR, Rhode island
Origin Massachusetts and Rhode island of America
Development year 1904
Variety Single Comb
red comb
Main color Red
Purpose Dualpurpose
Disposition Calm and friendly
Breed size Heavy
Cock weight 3.6 kg to 4 kg (7.9 lbs to 8 lbs).
Cockrel weight 3 kg (6.6 lbs)
Hen weight 2.8 kg to 3 kg (6.1 lbs to 6.2 lbs).
Pullet weight 2.2 kg (5 lbs)
Egg capacity per year 250-290 eggs
Age at first Egg (days) 140-150
Egg weight 45-50 g
Egg size Large
Egg color Brown
Skin color Yellow
Shank color Yellow
Survivability %  upto 6 weeks 99

Characteristics of Rhode Island Red

it is observed that the egg-laying capacity of this breed is higher in the coastal region. The Rhode Island red perform better if it is kept in natural condition and allowed them free range during the whole day. It gives maximum output in limited feed and small housing.

it also performs very well at intensive management system poultry farming or in battery cage system. Rhode red has become very popular in commercial layer poultry farming because of its high egg laying capacity attracts the investor in layer farming business. The food conversion ratio (FCR) of this breed is quite good.

This is the only breed which is used for both exhibition and egg production. It is the top class breed in dual purpose. It is docile and friendly in behavior.

Appearance of Rhode island red

Rhode red comes in two varieties, single comb or in rose comb with particularly dark red or brown color.

The body color is red.

The comb is medium in size or red in color. Beaks are little bit curvey and medium in size or reddish brown.

Eyes are oval in shape and orange or red in color.

In Rhode red, Shanks and toes are free from feather. Both shanks and toes are medium in length.

It has a slightly hard feather, which is either red or black in color. the tail increases the length of the bird. It is medium in length and In most cases, the tail is mainly black.

Meat Production

Mostly Cock is used for meat production, Hens starts to lay eggs in its 20th week and lay continuously up to 72 weeks after that it is sold for meat. The Rhode island Red is also best in meat production it comes in the heavy breed. The breed has good food consumption ratio into the meat.

The average standard weight of cock ranges between 3.6 kg to 4 kg (7.9 lbs to 8.8 lbs).

The average standard weight of Hen ranges between 2.8 kg to 3 kg (6.1 lbs to 6.6 lbs).

Egg Production

The Rhode hen particularly starts laying eggs in the middle of 20 to 21 weeks. Normally, At the first egg, the weight of hen is noted above 2 kg. weight of the first egg is approximately 45 to 50 g.

They give 250 to 270 eggs in a year or 6 eggs in a single week. The quality feed gives quality egg and meat, for the better production of meat and egg the birds need comfort and quality feed with all nutrition minerals and vitamins.

Space requirement for RIR

     House     Age Battery cage
Deep litter
Brooder House 0-8 weeks 0.7 sq ft
per bird
0.5 sq ft
per bird
Grower house 9-16 weeks 1 sq ft
per bird
0.6 sq ft
per bird
Layer house Above
17 weeks
2 sq ft
per bird
0.7 sq ft
per bird

Basic Care and Management of Rhode island red Chicken for Better Productivity

  • Chickens are susceptible to a number of diseases. So follow proper vaccination schedule, either if you are rearing in the free-range backyard or commercially.
  • Provide enough heat at the time of brooding or in cold weather.
  • it is important to give complete balanced feed for better productivity of egg. The feed should be packed with all the nutrition, mineral and vitamins.
  • Housing for Rhode island Red chicken should be well ventilated, requires light at night and protection from the predators.
  • External or internal deworming is needed for better growth of the birds.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the layer house needed at the time of laying eggs.

Why choose Rhode island Red?

Is Rhode island red Good for your Farm?

  • Rhode island red is a dual purpose breed used for both meat and eggs.
  • They have the ability to find their own food in the backyard or free range.
  • The capacity of egg production is very good as a comparison to another breed.
  • Rhode island Red can survive in any climate conditions.
  • Excellent mother and sister.
  • Fulfill the nutrition requirement of the family.
  • Provide rapid returns.
  • Rhode island Red is docile in behavior, attractive look, easily attached with family and can be used for exhibition.

Poultry or Chickens breedsTagsRhode island red, rhode island red chicken

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